20th September

…migrate. The fly season will soon be upon us with a vengeance. Flooding at Exeter airport which was closed on Sunday. Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta just out with its enormous…

17th January

‘Sundae’. None of the other newer varieties on Sinogrande Walk are showing as yet. Camellia ‘Sundae’ Acer pectinatum ‘Mozart’ glowing in the sun on Sinogrande Walk. Acer pectinatum ‘Mozart’ A…

30th August

…a newly planted Carya cordiformis has fared rather better. Carya are heat tolerant even in full sun as here. Carya cordiformis Pterostyrax levellei in Tin Garden has made itself into…

27th August

…sinogrande with minimal new growth. Rhodendron sinogrande Virtually leafless Sophora ‘Sun King’. Probably dead. Sophora ‘Sun King’ Sophora ‘Sun King’ Ligustrum confusum has shed nearly all its seed head in…

9th April

‘Sun King’ Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ and Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ in the background. An odd and spectacular combination. Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ and Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Michelia ‘Touch…

5th April

…the sun which is invisible from the drive below. Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ And another elderly clump of Enkianthus perulatus by Hardy & Bert’s. ENKIANTHUS perulatus Masses of violets on Sinogrande…

31st March

…Rhododendron macabeanum Magnolia acuminata ‘Sunray’ is full out but hidden a bit from any path. Not bad and odd to see an acuminata variety out this early. Magnolia acuminata ‘Sunray’…

21st March

…is nothing like as good as his Magnolia maudiae yesterday. Magnolia floribunda Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ full out and superb. Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ Sophora microphylla…

18th April

…the best one flowering today with a cascading habit. Malus ‘Sun Rival’ Malus ‘Sun Rival’ Magnolia ‘Purple Planets’ has lasted a long time since we first saw it in flower….

27th April

‘Sunray’ just out. Magnolia ‘Sunray’ Magnolia ‘Sunray’ Magnolia ‘Sunray’ Still one decent flower left on Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ albeit now with leaves. Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ The Tin Garden planting was…