5th March

…‘Werrington’ very fine! Magnolia mollicomata ‘Werrington’ Magnolia mollicomata ‘Black Tulip’ just showing colour. Magnolia mollicomata ‘Black Tulip’ 2022 – CHW A cold but still and sunny day. 236 visitors in…

28th January

…duclouxiana Cupressus duclouxiana Trochodendron araliodes from Taiwan has some seed heads which are mainly still green. Trochodendron araliodes Trochodendron araliodes 2017 – CHW A sunny day and mild to start…

9th February

…second Beast from the East is upon us. Sunny but freezing! The digger and Frankie finally arrive to do the stump removal after weeks of it having been too wet.A…

12th July

‘sunny’ Seaview. No sign of the ‘yachties’ early on this morning as the boatmen drain the day boats of water but a large dog turd right outside the Sea View…

12th April

…into first leaf on a sunny day but still near frost overnight.Camellia ‘Fairy Wand’ Camellia ‘Fairy Wand’ Sorbus dunnii with leaf coming and old fruits still there. Sorbus dunnii Maddenia…

8th April

…Polygonatum vietnamense Polygonatum vietnamense 2020 – CHW First house martins sighted by Jaimie this morning.The garden is really rushing out now and we have time to think about a day…

6th April

…rose A hen pheasant laid an egg in a pot containing a Daphne bholua outside the front door early this morning. No wonder they are such hopeless mothers laying randomly…

21st March

…on a hot sunny bank. Some are much darker than others. wild violets wild violets The white Rhododendron arboreum just out but looking rather old and sickly. Rhododendron arboreum Garden…

23rd January

…saluenensis A few more flowers out on Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ on a sunny day with blue sky. Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii var. alba…

Magnolias and Climate Change at Caerhays

…and Forrest began flowering here in the 1920s and 1930s we have seen nothing like it. At the time of writing this, 8th February, we have seen only one morning