28th December

…down this elderly Rhododendron johnstoneanum just before Christmas to (hopefully) revive and reinvigorate it. It may be too old but a few leaves/ twigs have been left. Rhododendron johnstoneanum This…

1st January

…posterity, I attach a copy of our 2023 Christmas card. This year only a few things pictured on it would actually have been in flower on Christmas day. More cold…

27th February

…Bright’ Camellia ‘Holly Bright’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Christmas Daffodil’ Camellia ‘Canterbury’ Camellia ‘Canterbury’ Camellia ‘Canterbury’ Also new to us and…

22nd March

…remain open. Jaimie has planted a group of Rhododendron ‘Ginnie Gee’ below Donkey Shoe. A heavily mulched surround. Rhododendron ‘Ginnie Gee’ Gardeners are now sending each other pictures to cheer

26th September

…summer’ herbaceous plant to cheer us up as well as the butterflies which seemed to be having a day off today which is rather overcast. Verbena bonariensis Verbena bonariensis Verbena…

22nd September

…go out into Old Park today.Philadelphus and deutzia species go out on the bank below White Styles field. This will cheer up the visitor route to Old Park later in…

30th July

…to finally cheer us up. Rhododendron cilpinense 2017 – CHW Jaimie has sent me pictures of the new machine’s performance in cutting Old Park. It all looks very tidy and…

7th June

…always something in bloody gardening is there not!So let us cheer up with more progress with the laurel clearing to reveal a very spindly Rhododendron sinogrande which has been largely…

11th August

…has berries and a few pinky flowers left. Symphoricarpus albus var. laevigatus Then the rockery provides a bit of cheer! This old Rhododendron kiusianum was pruned in April and has…

23rd March

…things to try to cheer things up. The NE wind persists and the ground is finally drying up.Rhododendron canadense just coming out. An attractive dwarf rhododendron. Rhododendron canadense Rhododendron canadense…