30th November

…and frosting from time to time. Jasminum polyanthum 2020 – CHW First flower nearly out on Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ near Georges Hut. Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ Camellia ‘Winter’s Snowman’ alongside Camellia…

6th March

…be believed and the scent! Daphne bhuloa ‘Mary Rose’ Daphne bhuloa ‘Mary Rose’ This is a large rhododendron beside the road at the bottom of the hill in Grampound Village…

24th December

…flowers on Camellia ‘Mary Costa’. Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ Removal of lower branches and general uplifting of Kalopanax septemlobus. Kalopanax septemlobus As ever the peeling bark on Rhododendron moulmainense (Rh stenaulum)…

9th February

…x williamsii varieties below Tin Garden. Camellia x williamsii Camellia x williamsii Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ and Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ and Camellia reticulata ‘Mary Williams’ Camellia ‘Cornish…

3rd March

…or blown to the ground. Not all is lost! There are many more buds to come out yet. ‘Mary Jobson’ ‘Mary Jobson’ The Daphne bholua has been battered but may…

22nd January

…williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ and the scent is good today. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ 2020 – CHW I looked at Magnolia campbellii var. alba ‘Strybing White’ last Sunday and there…

18th January

…just starting by Georges Hut. Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’ (the darker sport from ‘Donation’) also nicely out. Camellia x williamsii ‘Celebration’ Camellia x williamsii…

31st August

…of large seed pods on Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ Secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ at Four in Hand as usual. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ Escallonia bifida…

5th January

‘Mary Rose’ The evergreen Clematis uncinata is growing nicely up through Camellia x williamsii ‘Rosemary Williams’. One day the Clematis will smother the camellia but, for now, a good plant…

10th February

…Semiarundinaria fastuosa Semiarundinaria fastuosa Semiarundinaria fastuosa Semiarundinaria fastuosa Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ now full out despite the biting east wind. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Jobson’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary