7th April

…on Bond Street below the 4-in-Hand. It is so vigorous and so late that I think it must be the white form of Magnolia x veitchii called ‘Isca’ (or possibly…

31st December

…think a little later than last year but need to check. No sign of colour on the two big plants under the two tallest Magnolia x veitchii. Camellia ‘Lady Clare’…

15th December

…Tol’ Ilex aquifolium ‘Golden van Tol’ 2017 – CHW Gaultheria procumbens still with good clusters of red berries. Gaultheria procumbens Skimmia japonica ‘Veitchii’ just as good beside it. Skimmia japonica…

7th December

…original Magnolia x veitchii. Astonishing in December. Magnolia x veitchii The original Magnolia campbellii has yellowing leaves but still on the tree rather than on the ground. Magnolia campbellii Styrax…

2nd December

…just hanging on. Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ Magnolia ‘Mr Julian’ Prunus ‘Jo-nioi’ has now shed onto the ground. Prunus ‘Jo-nioi’ Magnolia x veitchii still has plenty of green leaves lower down….

2nd May

…tour with our Canadian cousins (originally from Muskoka) occupies half the day which is damp and overcast but the garden is not! Magnolia x veitchii ‘Peter Veitch’ still has a…

23rd April

…x Rhaphiobotrya ‘Coppertone’ with one flower out. x Rhaphiobotrya ‘Coppertone’ Petals fall from the last white Magnolia x veitchii in the Rockery. Magnolia x veitchii Rhododendron davidsonianum (Caerhays dark form)…

16th April

…Hydrangea lobbii Magnolia veitchii ‘Isca’ and Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ seen from the lawn. Magnolia veitchii ‘Isca’ and Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Still plenty of flowers on Camellia ‘Lady Clare’ a good…

1st March

…x veitchii seedling below the drive on Bond Street is turning into something very nice. A better colour and more flowers each year. Magnolia x veitchii seedling Lambing started 3…

1st February

…planted in 2006 is a hybrid between Magnolia soulangeana ‘Rustica Rubra’ and Magnolia x veitchii. Clearly blown open early but it is still a rather dull and turgid colour with…