11th May

…grow. 1960 – FJW First rain since April 17th. 1947 – CW Picked good bunch of Tower, Triandrus, Jonquil 455, Green eye 308, a Poet 435. Flowered and good Rho…

27th April

…Johnstone’. Prunus ‘Gyoiku’ is a wonderful green and white and plastered in flower. Prunus ‘Gyoiku’ Prunus ‘Gyoiku’ Prunus mahaleb is in a key spot below the tower but I have…

5th March

…a woodland setting. Scilla bifolia Camellia ‘Black Magic’ almost black in bud. Camellia ‘Black Magic’ Camellia ‘Black Magic’ Magnolias tower over the woodland valley garden. The dark one may well…

6th March

…lecture on Windsor rhododendrons. I guess it was originally a Tower Court hybrid? Rhododendron ‘Choremia’ Rhododendron ‘Choremia’ A young Magnolia sprengeri var. Diva ‘Burncoose’ just out. Magnolia sprengeri var. Diva…

27th September

…the tower. another Pinus radiata another Pinus radiata The seedling Araucaria angustifolia x Araucaria araucana is growing on well. Just the one which Jaimie is tending. Araucaria angustifolia x Araucaria…

17th April

…‘Gold Rush’. Ceanothus ‘Trewithen Blue’ Prunus ‘Gyoiko’ with its greenish-white semi-double flowers streaked green below the Tower. Prunus ‘Gyoiko’ The rather dull Prunus mahaleb, the St Lucie cherry from central…

16th May

…do not really like common (vulgaris) lilacs because they remind me of Chelsea time. There have always been one or two on the drive and below the tower on the…

30th April

…first two swifts last night but did not see them go to their nest site in the tallest tower eaves. A good 20 house martins happily building their nests and…

24th June

…or Lady’s Bedstraw Galium verum or Lady’s Bedstraw Lady Cynthia Carew Pole’s day lilies as good as over by the tower. The original names long last but I try to…

22nd May

…is purple in bud, opening purple-lavender and then fading (as here) to pale lilac-pink. A double flower. Sadly the plant is nearly dead below the tower. Planted about 1991. Syringa…