7th May

red. Carpinus betulus ‘Rockhampton Red’ Carpinus betulus ‘Rockhampton Red’ Malus ‘Comtesse de Paris’ is one of my favourites which I first saw on a stable wall at Llanover garden in…

14th March

…Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ The magnolias beside the newly restored old hunt kennels are full out. magnolias beside the newly restored old hunt kennels magnolias beside the newly restored old hunt…

13th March

…magnolia season are now earlier than the mollicomatas and sargentiana robustas. Notably ‘Ians Red’, ‘Shirraz’, ‘Red Lion’ and ‘Plum Pudding’. 3. The ‘Lanarth’ magnolia seedlings flowered sparsely probably disliking the…

23rd April

Red’ – not sure which but very good in full sun in a hot dry bed. Lonicera tatarica ‘Hacks Red’ or ‘Arnold Red’ Lonicera tatarica ‘Hacks Red’ or ‘Arnold Red’…

25th October

…styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Liquidamber styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Liquidamber styraciflua ‘Red Star’ 1998 – FJW Many flowers on Nov Pink. Very wet year – very wet week.1962 – FJW Rain came…

11th September

…Devon and Cornwall wouldn’t put out to sea in case they were captured by North African Slave Traders. Between 1609 and 1616, 466 British ships were captured by Slave Traders…

27th February

…Double flowered snowdrops (few singles) carpet literally acres of the woodland. Double flowered snowdrops More new spaces for planting flowering trees for below the castle. new spaces new spaces Topiary…

7th September

…yellow prematurely. Roe deer damage – AGAIN. Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ Gingko biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ Acer x conspicuum ‘Red Flamingo’ is quite outstanding today. Acer x conspicuum ‘Red Flamingo’ Acer…

15th November

…In a mild winter there are at least some flowers for at least nine months. Magnolia grandiflora Liquidamber styraciflua ‘Red Star’ is perhaps at its best but far less red

22nd October

…today in the pale sunlight. Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Red Star’ Deutzia calycosa ‘Dali’ with late flowers. This selection was…