13th January

…being cut down completely. A rare tree which was once a Champion. Lindera communis Camellia japonica ‘Takanini’ glowing red in front of the bare orange twigs of Tilia sordata ‘Winter…

8th June

…Azalea indica Azalea indica Azalea indica Azalea indica The same late flowering orange azalea as by the Fernery. Late flowering orange azalea Podocarpus elongatus ‘Blue Chip’ has blue podocarps forming…

8th September

…Crataegus schraderiana Photinia villosa var. coreana absolutely laden with berries. Photinia villosa var. coreana Photinia villosa var. coreana Photinia villosa var. coreana 2019 – CHW Hedychium densiflorum ‘Assam Orange’ was…

26th July

…good late flowering rhododendron with orange-red flowers. late flowering rhododendron late flowering rhododendron late flowering rhododendron Our oldest surviving clump of Hydrangea sargentiana which used to be upright but is…

9th September

…seed pods on three small bought in plants in the small glasshouse. Just about fit to plant out next year too. Styrax wilsonii Abutilon ‘Orange Hot Lava’ was in flower…

11th September

…best things in Leslie’s garden flowering today are:Hedychium densiflorum, the orange (rather than yellow) flowering form. Here we grow Hedychium gardnerianum which has a much larger white flower panicle with…

26th January

…full out. Camellia ‘Cornish Snow’ Tillia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ stands out well in heavy rain. Tillia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ 2019 – CHW Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ has sprung open, probably as…

3rd March

…Mainly Camellia leaves Michelia doltsopa leaves allover the path by George’s Hut. Michelia doltsopa But the buds facing away from the wind are still fine and well enclosed in orange

13th October

…4-6 pairs equal at base, fruits dark orangeSorbus sargentiana – leaflets in 4-7 pairs with pale hairs below, fruits orange (not how the third picture shows the leaves)Sorbus wilsoniana –…

24th January

…Dance’ Frosted flowers and orange buds on Michelia ‘Fairy White’. Michelia ‘Fairy White’ One of the new Crataegus species with new growth. Crataegus Chaenomeles flower and fruits. Chaenomeles flower and…