Visit to Tregrehan – 3rd November 2018

…which we avidly collected a few. A smallish shrub with remarkable pink tinged horn like capsules and orange-red seeds hanging below. Unremarkable in flower but startling today with seeds. Euonymus…

19th May

…Slipper’ just out. Azalea ‘Silver Slipper’ Azalea calendulaceum – Sandling orange – red form. A very good addition to our species collection. Azalea calendulaceum Azalea calendulaceum Mallotus japonicus with its…

22nd March

…Enkianthus serrulatus. Enkianthus serrulatus Leaf now full out on Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’. Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ Magnolia ‘Sayonara’ slightly wind scarred. Magnolia ‘Sayonara’ Yet another Rhododendron arboreum ‘Tony Shilling’…

14th April

…some shade as its leaves scorch in full sun. Chorezima illicifolia Louisa, the Burncoose propagator, has acquired somehow a Correa pulchella orange form (normally it is pink) which looks quite…

27th April

orange flash on the outside of the tepals. First flowers are seldom a guide to later reality in magnolias. Just one here for now. Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ First flower on…

17th April

…Rosemoor Show next weekend.Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ now in full leaf. Acer palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ Berberis insignis var. insignis flowering better than ever before. Berberis insignis var. insignis Berberis insignis…

15th May

…the only one in this clump of five fairly ordinary orange azaleas to be bereft of flowers. A strange oddity caused by I know not what. Just the same in…

23rd April

…‘Winter Orange’. We must remember to pollard this tree in the autumn. Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ Very good deep yellow flowers on Berberis wilsoniae. Berberis wilsoniae Berberis wilsoniae Then another…

8th July

…supposedly, of Buddleia globosa from France are flowering yellow rather than the more normal orange. That is perhaps OK but the other half of the batch are pink and not…

12th March

…flowering orange (deciduous) azalea which grows on the drive here and, also, at Burncoose. We have never had any idea of a name and some years the well-established 80? year…