30th March

…very nice. 1933 – JCW All the Corylopsis are very good indeed. Cherries just starting to open. Hybrid Calophytums are good and so the species. Rho fargesii is very nice….

3rd November

…enjoy the wonders of this extraordinary garden with the Townsends. Here are some highlights below, Griselinia jodonifolia Rehderodendron kwangtungense Fuchsia glazioviana Decaisnea fargesii Corynabutilon click here for full details. 2017…

12th August

…we still need to acquire Torreya californica, the Californian nutmeg, to complete the Hilliers four but the IDS say we also need Torreya jackii and Torreya fargesii to complete the…

6th April

…de Graaf is opening, a fairly good lot of Reticulatas open, sharp frost last night which cut rhodo bloom. R fargesii stood it better than others. 1899 – JCW Lovelace,…

11th April

…early yellow stuff just starting, snow this morning, impossible to stop snow? Outside nearly all the stuff is or has been frosted. Rho fargesii stands up to it, and the…

29th August

…First flowers here. Hedychium gardnerianum Hedychium gardnerianum Salix moupinensis is really a smaller version of Salix fargesii but the stems and buds are attractive. Growing in a damp place it…

12th January

…at about ⅓. Flowers are open on the following species of Rhodoⁿ chrysanthum, keysii, yunnanense, lutescens, blood red Arboreum, mucronulatum (vg), Fargesii, 2 or 3 Camellias. 1902 – JCW Coums…

21st March

…Sulfureum*, Irroratum*, White Pulfureum, Lutescens*, Intricatum*, Baileyi, Hippopaeoides*, Quinquefolium*, Hemidartum*, Stewartianum*, Sutchuenense*, Keiskii*, Obtusum*, Delavayi*, Racemosum, Honewellianum, Glischrum, Barbatum*, Pink Arboreum, White Arboreum, Albrechtii, Fargesii*, Neriiflorum, Anthospaerum, Meddianum, Floccigerum, Cyanocarpum….

23rd March

…open, Thomsonii x has waned, Mrs Butlers have begun to wane, R fargesii shows colour, several reticulata blooms open but they are poor ones. 1911 – JCW Much as in…

14th March

…opening, ciliatum with cantabile in the house and Watsonii with Calophytum outside. Fargesii, lutescens and barbatum show flowers hardly any others but hippophaeoides. The berberis hedge and the E hybrida…