3rd June

…A wonderful grevillea species which flowers all year around. Grevillea rhyolitica Grevillea rhyolitica Merrilopanax alpinus (BSWJ 13939), another arm and limb which we have already. Merrilopanax alpinus Merrilopanax alpinus Merrilopanax…

24th May

…has only struggled into new growth in a few lower branches. Droughts again! Magnolia nitida Laurel stumps all gone above the greenhouse. Laurel stumps all gone 2023 – CHW Wonderful…

2nd May

…did wonder if these were Rhododendron viscosum but think not because of the extreme length of the anthers and stamens in relation to the flower. A very delicate pink in…

21st May

…hookeriana now in leaf and wonderful white felting on the underside of its leaves. Salix hookeriana Salix hookeriana 2022 – CHW Yesterday afternoon we cut some budded Embothrium for the…

17th March

…not fully open Magnolia ‘Felix Jury’ 2020 – CHW The country enters lockdown and we all wonder how to carry on. £400-500k in tourist income probably down the drain with…

29th April

…contradiction in terms. However I do wonder how many of those furloughed will actually find that they have jobs to come back to in the highstreets, catering and hospitality sectors….

15th March

…Camellia ‘Hooker’ is another new one – an odd shaped single. I wonder about the origins of the name? Camellia ‘Hooker’ Camellia ‘Carolyn Tuttle’ is also new. Camellia ‘Carolyn Tuttle’…

14th March

…back again at the old hunt kennels I wonder how many magnolia flowers we have just experienced in Old Park? If we said 500 to 1,000 per tree (surely and…

8th March

…named as ‘Anne Leitner’. Excellent and very saleable. Magnolia ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ x Magnolia ‘JC Williams’ Magnolia sprengeri ‘Daisy Diva’ performing well although one wonders at it really being a sprengeri?…