13th May

…lilies (Zantedeschia aetheopica) full out already and perhaps cuttable for Chelsea? Arum lilies Arum lilies Quite a few days recently of first ever flowerings here. Now Juglans ailanthifolia has some…

17th January

…by our one night of frost (so far) and the recent hail and heavy rain. Where else in the UK would an arum look like this in January? arum lily…

27th January

…today. echiums echiums 2016 – CHW Arum italicum (lords and ladies) a good eight inches into growth already. Rivalling the bluebells. It does not seem long since the seed pods…

25th January

…Echiums Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ now about full out. No frost damage. Surely very late for any Lapageria? I wonder why? Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ Frost damage on the Arum lilies. Arum

30th July

…‘Shiro-Kapitan’ Alchemilla mollis and Erysimum ‘Apricot Twist’. Alchemilla mollis A fine display of Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’. Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ An early seed head on Arum italicum in a bed of…

11th February

…flower for 2017 on the arum lily clump by the gents’ loo. No hint of frost damage here and a few snails hide in the flower. arum lily Trip to…

14th August

…unlike last year’s hot summer here when there was an abundance. This has been a wet summer in the north.Lords and ladies in full fruit (Arum maculatum). Arum maculatum Some…

4th April

…have several of these superb plants growing away at various ages. Betula albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’ Betula albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’ Betula albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’ Outside my study window the Arum lillies…

28th June

…roots from the nearby fir tree. I guess we will lose all the rhodos here. Honey fungus I thought you might enjoy the Arum lilies outside the front door which…

30th December

…year. Minus 5°C overnight with hail but bright and clear by day. The Echiums do not like it! Echiums Neither did the arum lilies which were in full growth as…