27th August

…father and uncle were less successful! clay shoot clay shoot clay shoot clay shoot 2015 – CHW The row of hydrangeas which Jaimie planted for Alison along the roadside above…

28th August

…paraguayensis Volunteers from the Eden Project gather knapweed and other wildflower seed from the bank opposite the front door. Volunteers Peter Bickford-Smith collecting the entries for the annual GWCT clay

26th August

…flowers but typical hairy Tibouchina stems and leaves. Certainly one to propagate. Tibouchina paratropica Tibouchina paratropica 2019 – CHW Quillaja saponaria (soap bark tree) is now 8-10ft tall but rather…

15th June

…Cornish Cream. Cornish Cream Cornish Apple Growing. Cornish Apple Growing China Clay. China Clay Rhodda’s Cornish Cream. Rhodda’s Cornish Cream The pulpit crammed with roses. pulpit crammed with roses Cornish…

1st July

…attacking and eating young birch leaves. Here is a Betula ‘China Ruby’ two years on from planting with all its leaves eaten on two branches. Betula ‘China Ruby’ Betula ‘China

2nd December

…biloba ‘Variegata’ Ginkgo biloba ‘Variegata’ Betula ‘China Rose’ has lost its leader but is recovering well and making a decent tree in a prime position in Kennel Close. Betula ‘China

26th April

…have been bonkers! Only the British public would have obeyed so readily. Just look at German and US protestors. China knows how to deal with them! The new great ‘Satan’…

24th August

…for the Charity Clay Shoot on Saturday. water meadows Scaffolding goes up to paint the windows on the towers. Scaffolding Compare these dry parkland pictures to 1976 and you can…

21st March

…the base of the flower. Magnolia cylindrica 2020 – CHW Two separate garden tours today with Peter Clay and Tom Hudson. Four and a half hours in the garden! The…

5th November

…in a large clay pot by the front door. Actually only one of the two here is out. Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’ Camellia sasanqua ‘Hugh Evans’…