22nd July

…Hydrangea ‘Hobelia’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ – white but it only shows the flashes of red and orange later Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ – white Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ – white Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ – white Hydrangea…

27th July

…Euonymus grandiflorus ‘Ruby Wine’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ excellent on the drive. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Hydrangea ‘Sunset’ looking good down opposite the lodge. Hydrangea ‘Sunset’ Hydrangea ‘Selma’ quite superb by the…

3rd July

…strimmer badly hurting the main stem in last summer’s grass cut. Hydrangea involucrata ‘Viridescens’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ is just starting to show. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Beside it…

5th July

…Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ properly out by the tower. Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ nearly over. Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’ and Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’…

29th July

…‘Curly Red’ Absurdly named but excellent – Hydrangea ‘You and Me Together’ – Rose and Blue. A rather more double and intricate flower than ‘Fireworks Blue’ and ‘Fireworks Pink’. Hydrangea…

25th December

…out. Camellia ‘Winton’ and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Camellia ‘Winton’ and Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Still a flower on Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Pink’. Rather better than the show on ‘Fireworks’ which we saw…

2nd March

…saw some colour still on this in November in this blog. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Rather odd to be filming (live) outside the front door with Lizzie watching it live…

4th August

…phellos. Quercus phellos Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ together. Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Pink and blue Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ See what a hit this clump of red hydrangea took in…

13th July

…Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ The Harrow hybrid rhododendrons on Hovel Cart Road are now full out. Harrow hybrid rhododendrons Harrow hybrid rhododendrons In Tin Garden, where the soil…

4th July

…hydrangeas in recent years but this one is vigorous and different as well as standing the test of time. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks Blue’ Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’ is also…