1st July

…variegated Cercis canadensis ‘Alley Cat’. If you don’t like variegated things (as my father didn’t) this is not one to contemplate. Cercis canadensis ‘Alley Cat’ Cercis canadensis ‘Alley Cat’ Purple…

13th April

…and Zara. Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt Pink bluebells outside the Rockery. Pink bluebells Grandchildren feeding the cattle with increasing…

8th May

…in a gale. Cupressus macroparpa Catalpa bignonoides is always one of the last trees into growth. Catalpa bignonoides 2019 – CHW Chelsea videos at Burncoose highlighting some of the better…

26th September

…chicken coup of 30 birds wiped out last week not by a fox or badger but by a pole cat. Polecat Two young roe grazing happily along the Main Ride…

15th July

…of the year. Kalopanax septemlobus Ehretia dicksonii is also in flower and the smell is disgusting. Jaimie says ‘cat’s piss’ but we have never had a cat! Ehretia dicksonii Ehretia…

15th February

Kitchen Garden Kitchen Garden Kitchen Garden The seeds on Cotoneaster franchettii are only now dropping or being eaten in situ on the bush by birds. Cotoneaster franchettii Jaimie reminds me…

8th July

…making. Reseda luteola I am less sure about this but I think it is cat’s ear or Hypochoeris radicata. This is a native perennial and its leaves can be used…

3rd September

…No great improvement in many struggling plants as yet but they now have a better chance. Rainclouds The dogs kill a polecat on their way to bed in the kennels…

26th March

…as nice but perhaps the flowers do not open out quite as much and perhaps not quite so many tepals? Magnolia x loebneri ‘Wildcat’ Magnolia x loebneri ‘Wildcat’ Rhododendron canadense…

17th June

…the catalogue now. Acanthus sennii Nice plants of the very rare Camptotheca acuminata that was added to the website in the spring. Our tree at Caerhays is now 15ft tall…