7th July

…leucoxylon rosea Puya dyckioides Puya dyckioides Puya dyckioides Callistemon ‘Mauve Mist’ Callistemon ‘Mauve Mist’ Callistemon ‘Mauve Mist’ Strelitzia reginae in flower outside on a dry bank Strelitzia reginae 2018 –…

10th April

…when first out although, today, it has faded and is merely a bit of a tired but improved Leonard Messel. Mauve flowered branches on white Azalea ‘Pakestrina’ Non gardeners love…

11th March

…bed Above Higher Quarry Nursery and the mess are two rather delicate semi evergreen azaleas: one pink and one mauve. I have now idea of their names so need to…

28th May

…these from cuttings (‘Polgrain’ is the same cross but darker in colour). The flowers start out white and then turn a gentle mauve. Very attractive. Rhododendron ‘Penvose’ Rhododendron ‘Penvose’ Rhododendron…

15th September

…to us by Peter Moore. A mauve flower which fades markedly as it matures to a light mauve-pink. Good white indumentum under the leaves. Buddleia limitanea Buddleia limitanea Strobilanthes rankanensis…

9th April

…‘Linearifolium’ above the greenhouse has a very pale mauve flower and is rather different in colour to the plants not yet out in the Rockery. I did not know this…

14th September

…you can clearly see how it gets its name. Whitish in bud opening light mauve with not all the flowers coming out at once to give a foxtail appearance. Calluna…

6th September

…robusta out late as usual in September. A good mauve and white combination. We need to propagate this as it is a winner! Hydrangea aspera ssp. robusta Hydrangea aspera ssp….

17th June

…coloured forms from mauve-purple to red and dark red. The clumps on the drive, in the Auklandii Garden and outside the front gate are full out now and flowering more…

20th February

…three plants) Rhododendron huianum – mauve – niveum colour Betula luminifera 2020 – CHW I sit stuck in meetings for most of the day but a few more big distance…