6th August
…Fruit on Cornus mas. Looks edible but not sure? Cornus mas Cornus mas Pyrus x michauxii with small pears. A record tree here. Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus…
…Fruit on Cornus mas. Looks edible but not sure? Cornus mas Cornus mas Pyrus x michauxii with small pears. A record tree here. Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus…
…plant list. It may well be Pyrus pashia. pyrus pyrus 2015 – CHW Symphoricarpos albus (Snowberry) on the lawn still has some leaves but the large white marble like berries…
…in the Levant as I have seen before with flower and fruit. Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Pyrus x michauxii Brahea armata – Mexican blue palm – these two…
…self-crossed Puya chilensis and Puya berteronica self-crossed Pyrus x michauxii, a hybrid between two pear species, has small pears appearing on a tree which hardly looks like a pear! Pyrus…
…(Heather) Erica carnea ‘Myretoun Ruby’ – easily the best thing today in the heather beds. Erica carnea ‘Myretoun Ruby’ Erica carnea ‘Myretoun Ruby’ Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticlear’ in full flower. Pyrus…
…before. Pyrus ‘Pashia’ Pyrus ‘Pashia’ Pterocarya tonkinensis just coming into leaf but already with attractive bark. Pterocarya tonkinensis Pterocarya tonkinensis Pterocarya tonkinensis The Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides with early…
…Busy Lizzie Dendroseris litoralis. Dendroseris litoralis Fruits on Pyrus salicifolia ‘Pendula’ which one seldom sees. Pyrus salicifolia ‘Pendula’ The Betula circles get better and better. Betula circles Flowering grasses beside…
…‘Chanticleer’ with splendid orange, red and yellow colour in the cash point today. Pyrus colleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Pyrus colleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Cotinus ‘Grace’ is equally good alongside it. Cotinus ‘Grace’ Deutzia crenata…
…near Reevesia The one Corylopsis not ?? marked The Pyrus flaggiana C. H. C’s Syringa The big Glauca Oak near Melinanthus The Ribes longisternosum 1902 – JCW Minimus going back,…
…JCW I found a small spray of Pyrus malus open. The Thomsonii x Arboreum lot are very good, and there are some Mrs Butler x Arboreum open.1897 – JCW Yellow…