18th June

…bit with the recent rain. Some casualties. native hedge native hedge native hedge The yellow leaved form of Cupressus macrocarpa was planted 40 years ago as a windbreak. Under planting…

8th July

macrocarpa Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkan’ and Cupressus macrocarpa 2018 – CHW The only thing to cheer one up here on a sweltering day is to visit Ventnor botanics. ‘The Beast’ has…

26th March

macrocarpa Corokia macrocarpa Magnolia maudiae var. platypetala flowering well. Magnolia maudiae var. platypetala Magnolia maudiae var. platypetala Camellia tsai laden down with flower in full shade. Camellia tsai Tom has…

23rd June

…and looking good. camellia liners Huodendron biaristratum in full flower. Huodendron biaristratum Actinidia arguta ‘Issai’ buzzing like a beehive with bees. Actinidia arguta ‘Issai’ Campylotropis macrocarpa is a totally new…

27th March

…the fallen pine and macrocarpa from the Wednesday northerly gale. A neat job and we now need to plant other trees or conifers in this exposed gap. cut up fallen…

April 2018 Irish trip ( Day 2)

…planting. Only 7,500 visitors per year and just starting a tea room in an outbuilding. Derreen Garden The largest Cupressus macrocarpa I have ever seen – 26ft around the base….

17th July

…and Pinus Radiata The feature Cupressus macrocarpa frames the view over to Portsmouth. Cupressus macrocarpa Two beds of Camellia japonica – unexpected! Camellia japonica A few running repairs needed. repairs…

11th February

…their displeasure. euonymus Nevertheless lifting and despatching orders goes on apace. orders I find a plant in the nursery which I have never heard of. Campylotropis macrocarpa. When I look…

12th September

…but already impressive new growth. New Zealand acers I have no idea what this plant is but nasty prickles. A South African plant I guess? [Now confirmed as Carissa macrocarpa!]…

16th March

…Mainly from Mark Bulk and plenty of very rare new things. All need growing on before being large enough to plant out. – Campylotropis macrocarpa x 3 – Citronella gongonha…