1st August

…flower. Variable species! Magnolia virginiana Magnolia virginiana Magnolia virginiana Magnolia virginiana What I think is Acer cappadocicum has very unusual seed pods which I have never noticed before. Beside Cornus…

11th June

virginiana ‘Satellite’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’A proper evergreen with a large flower unlike our Magnolia virginiana by George’s Hut. The original virginiana was crushed in the 1990 hurricane. Of the several…

29th May

…grow nearby. Magnolia ‘Porcelain Dove’ Magnolia ‘Porcelain Dove’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ is nearly out. Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ One plant of Rhododendron nuttallii is just coming out. Another,…

17th June

…that the garden is ‘over’! Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana now full out after its wind battering last week. Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana Magnolia…

29th June

…to produce flowers than other forms of M. virginiana. Magnolia virginiana ‘Pink Halo’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Pink Halo’ 2022 – CHW The Royal Isle of Wight County Show. Fortunately the Gardeners’…

12th June

…Group Still plenty of flower on Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana and the scent is overpowering! Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana Magnolia sieboldii sinensis x virginiana A flower out already…

22nd June

…birch growing nearby that did not have a high level wire netting surround. Deer have ringbarked another birch First flowers on a young Magnolia virginiana ‘Ludoviciana’. Magnolia virginiana ‘Ludoviciana’ A…

14th October

…has opened more fully and so has the seed pod. Magnolia virginiana ‘Havener’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Havener’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Havener’ Hard pruning of Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ (yellow) on the Main Ride….

7th July

…much better than any of the plants in the main garden. Magnolia virginiana seedling Magnolia virginiana seedling Magnolia virginiana seedling Right next to the beehives is a pheasant’s nest; probably…

8th June

…of the small tree. Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ Magnolia virginiana ‘Satellite’ 2018 – CHW HRH visits the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project stand at the Royal Cornwall Show today rather interrupting lunch!…