2nd February

…still not full out. Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium First flower fully out on Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ (yellow) and bursting buds everywhere. Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ First flowers…

3rd June

…it is. A close run thing as to whether this or Cornus ‘Satomi’ is the best plant flowering in the garden today. Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron decorum 2016 –…

31st May

…I have missed the others during Chelsea. Azalea ‘Orange King’ Azalea ‘Orange King’ A rogue Rhododendron ponticum is suddenly visible opposite Rhododendron stenaulum. It must go! Rhododendron ponticum Rhododendron ponticum…

29th June

…dark red deciduous azalea above the Trevanion holly. very dark red deciduous azalea Rhododendron auriculatum now full out. Rhododendron auriculatum Rhododendron sanguineum full out beyond George’s Hut. Rhododendron sanguineum Stachyurus…

7th February

…myself so I probably did not! Rhododendron grande Rhododendron grande Rhododendron arboreum – seven plants put out in 2009; six survive (5392 – an RCMG seed distribution I guess). Four…

7th June

…youngish Euonymus tingens nicely in flower. Euonymus tingens Euonymus tingens First flower out on Magnolia dealbata. Magnolia dealbata Rhododendron stamineum in the main quarry. Rhododendron stamineum Rhododendron stamineum Carpinus japonica…

25th February

…specially cleared new site in dappled shade. Rhododendron falconeri layers Rhododendron falconeri layers Each one was carefully mulched and watered in. Rhododendron falconeri layers Rhododendron falconeri layers Rhododendron falconeri layers…

26th February

…Prunus cerasifera ‘Pissardii’ Prunus cerasifera ‘Pissardii’ A good young Rhododendron grande seedling full out now on Hovel Cart Road. Rhododendron grande seedling Rhododendron grande seedling I said the other day…

15th February

…that this rhododendron hybrid has excelled itself. From a distance I thought arboretum but the blotching in the trumpet suggests irroratum. rhododendron hybrid rhododendron hybrid rhododendron hybrid 2022 – CHW…

9th March

…Camellia reticulata ‘Red Crystal’ 2019 – CHW The first big leaf rhododendron seedling is full out. More Rhododendron macabeanum than Rhododendron sinogrande in this one probably. rhododendron seedling rhododendron seedling…