24th July

…on Sophora japonica ‘Sun King’. Sophora japonica ‘Sun King’ Flower clusters in profusion not yet out on Aextoxicon punctatum. Aextoxicon punctatum Aextoxicon punctatum Tilia endochrysea with another fine set of…

1st December

…Another storm damaged leylandii. Jaimie will be pleased as he hates them. damaged leylandii The Sophora ‘Sun King’ died in the drought 2 years ago. Jaimie dug it up and…

5th January

…cinnamomeum Berries colouring up on Ilex kingiana. Ilex kingiana Aralia vietnamensis has had its leaves frosted but the flowers may still come out? The stems are extremely prickly as you…

28th September

…a paltry four fruits. Sorbus reducta Sorbus ‘Pearly King’ has sparse fruiting but some are changing from rose to white with a pink flush. Not many though! Sorbus ‘Pearly King’…

1st March

…six weeks. Rhododendron williamsianum ‘White Form’ Rhododendron williamsianum ‘White Form’ Rhododendron calostrotum subsp riparium Nitens – a dwarf clump forming species with single mauve or purple flowers. Rhododendron calostrotum subsp…

12th March

…full out and fading to white. Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron moupinense on Burns Bank. A pinkish rather than pure white form. Rhododendron moupinense 2017 – CHW A drab day…

24th June

…a secondary flush after the recent rains. The flowers are within the plant and not standing proud to it as is normal. Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’…

2nd June

…Nursery. Rhododendron lindleyi Rhododendron lindleyi White campion flowers and the normal pink by the playhouse are a riot. White campion flowers and the normal pink White campion flowers and the…

2nd May

…Garden. Rhododendron decorum (white form) Rhododendron decorum (white form) Over the weekend I have finished the article for publication on ‘Michelia Puzzles’ about the naming and identification of our 90…

11th April

…Several later season magnolias still looking good in Kennel Close. Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’ is now opening its flowers quickly. 4 in all – first flowering and interesting. Magnolia ‘Wim Rutten’…