5th June

…Magnolia ‘Daybreak’. Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ The barn conversions at White Stiles are nearing completion. White Stiles White Stiles White Stiles Crataegus dahurica in flower for the first time here. Crataegus dahurica…

8th March

Next Day > < Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW Looking at more first time flowerers and young plants. This time in…

17th April

…Slip Rail. yellow shedding laurel leaves Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Ruby Glow’ below Slip Rail looking superb today. This is a very good variety indeed. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Ruby Glow’ Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Ruby…

2nd January

…hybrid below the Engine House. almost pure white x williamsii hybrid almost pure white x williamsii hybrid Disaster! Our best grafted Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’ has had dieback in some branches…

29th June

…dilleniifolia subsp cuneifolia Meliosma dilleniifolia subsp cuneifolia A maddenia rhododendron with huge white flowers which I have never seen before above Orchid House Nursery. maddenia rhododendron with huge white flowers…

14th October

…Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Keteleeria davidiana (ex. Roundabarrow) with secondary new growth. This nearly died after planting but is…

4th February

…as at Caerhays despite all the strong gales recently. Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Strybing White’ First flower on Rhododendron moupinense on the drive which is all looking very…

12th February

…Erica erigena ‘Irish Dusk’ Erica erigena ‘Irish Dusk’ Erica x darleyensis ‘White Perfection’ Erica x darleyensis ‘White Perfection’ Erica x darleyensis ‘White Perfection’ Erica x darleyensis ‘Phoebe’ Erica x darleyensis…

15th June

…Acer maximowiczianum The white wisteria from the Rookery Path side. White wisteria Susyn Andrews thinks that this ancient gaultheria on Rookery Path opposite the Rhododendron falconeri is Gaultheria hookeri (Vaccinum…

23rd February

…are finally rotting away. quinces Many of the red berries on Ilex kingiana have blown off in the wind. Ilex kingiana Colour showing on Magnolia ‘Hot Lips’. The only magnolia…