14th July

…‘Moonglow’ Lonicera periclymenum ‘Red Gables’ wasn’t bad although not that different. Lonicera periclymenum ‘Red Gables’ Trachelospermum ‘Star of Milano’ was another one with a pink flower and variegated leaves. Better…

2nd November

…yellow. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Victoria’ Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Bells’ has little colour left. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Red Bells’ But Enkianthus campanulatus var hirtinervus is still fully green with unripe seed pods. Just…

4th February

…grey-brown. fungi First flowers this year on Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’. Rhododendron ‘Red Admiral’ Lower branch pruning on Lomatia ferruginea to prevent overshadowing of nearby young rhododendrons. Nice bark on its…

1st July

…in the other greenery. A columnar habit and smallish blue-black leaves edged purple when you look closely. Cercidophyllum ‘Red Fox’ Cercidophyllum ‘Red Fox’ Cercidophyllum ‘Red Fox’ Styrax serrulatus nearly out….

5th January

…now full out in the rain. Nearby Euchryphia ‘Pink Clouds’ still has a single flower on it. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ The large Drimys winteri has a mass…

11th February

…a few pure red flowers but, as yet, no pure white ones. It sports both colours on the same bush. Camellia ‘Adelina Patti’ Camellia ‘Adelina Patti’ The yellowish Magnolia campbellii…

6th August

…into cultivation. The picture of the fruits in this book match exactly the picture shown here of our plant. The red berries will turn a dark purple-red later. If it…

17th February

…Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ racing out by the lawn. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ 2023 – CHW Cold north wind to hold the magnolias back again – no harm in that. More rhododendrons…

9th January

…clump to be fully out this year. snowdrops The near white flowered Camellia x williamsii bred by my father with its first few flowers. A little pink in the buds….

15th June

…enjoy! view over the River Luney 2018 – CHW Karpinus kawakamii restored to life and new growth after The Beast had, we thought, rendered it dead. The light pruning from…