16th February

…gloves and was short because it is bloody cold) was to photograph the first few flowers on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. BBC Spotlight showed these as part of their weather forecast…

20th February

…and still looks fantastic. These pictures show the colour range on the opened flowers. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Branches laden with flowers blown off the original Magnolia campbellii….

26th September

…a wonderful September combination. Amaryllis belladonna and Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ As do Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ and Verbena bonariensis intertwined. hanging basket Anemone hopehensis ‘Hadspen Abundance’ was very fine…

6th March

…drive / White Stiles. Magnolia ‘Bishop Michael’ just out in Rogers Quarry. Much later into flower than ‘Bishop Peter’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Michael’ First ever buds on Magnolia ernestii (formerly Michelia…

28th February

…fine show but this one is very susceptible to frosts. Magnolia ‘Ian’s Red’ A rather more decent flower and bud today on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Magnolia ‘Bishop

14th February

…‘Felix Jury’ The Magnolia campbellii by Tin Garden today. Magnolia campbellii Magnolia campbellii First flowers out on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ A Magnolia campbellii Alba…

23rd January

…the sunlight. Bark interesting too. Magnolia virginiana Magnolia virginiana Magnolia virginiana I fear the frost has got the lower down buds on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ which would normally be showing…

27th February

…It is nowhere near as good as its sister seedlings ‘Bishop Michael’ or ‘Bishop Peter’ but, although pale, it has the ‘Lanarth’ shape and is worth its place as the…

26th February

…on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ (a ‘Lanarth’ seedling cross) which is not a good/proper colour. Early days for the rest I hope. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ New Zealand Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ a superb…

24th February

…the drive 2018 – CHW The Isla Rose christening day. Thirty-four to lunch (including two vicars) and many staying. Biting cold east wind. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ in the hall. Not…