5th September

…for dedication by the bishop. The existing churchyard has spaces for only two or three more burials. We sit in a two hour masked Parochial Church Council meeting in the…

19th February

…‘Betty Jessel’. Magnolia ‘Betty Jessel’ Buds opening on Magnolia ‘Ian’s Red’. Magnolia ‘Ian’s Red’ The start of Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ The New Zealand form of Magnolia ‘Lanarth’…

17th February

…3 days ago. Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ Another group clump of Rhododendron ririei opens up. Rhododendron ririei Magnolai ‘Bishop Peter’ is full out. Magnolai ‘Bishop Peter’ Flowers on Rehderodendron indochinense Rehderodendron…

15th February

…for her second major pictorial book on the subject. Absurdly early but we did manage to find her some new subjects:F J Williams, Bishop Michael, campbellii ‘Werrington’, Bishop Peter, Suzannah…

7th January

…clearly an evergreen despite the rather un-Michelia-like shape of its leaves. Magnolia lacei Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ is often one of the very first out but no real sign of the…

10th February

…on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. As early as usual! Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Loads of flower to come soon on Sophora microphylla ‘Sun King’ which we planted out last spring in a…

4th February

…2004 – FJW Bishop Peter shows colour.2002 – FJW A week of storms and heavy rain – though North and central parts of British Isles affected worse than us. Beach…

24th March

…Melicytus crassifolius Tiny and intricate leaves on Pittosporum michei. Pittosporum michei Magnolia cylindrica ‘Bjuv’ just coming out in Kennel Close. Magnolia cylindrica ‘Bjuv’ Magnolia cylindrica ‘Bjuv’ Magnolia ‘Bishop Michael’ with…

20th March

…Pink’ and Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ seedling half way down between the two previous photographs. Magnolia denudata ‘Forrest’s Pink’ and Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ seedling Magnolia ‘Bishop Michael’. Magnolia ‘Bishop Michael’ Today…

19th March

…a much larger flower than the true ‘Lanarth’ and not quite as good (today) as ‘Bishop Michael’. However it is quite some magnolia and well worth propagating/naming. Perhaps a third…