28th March

…yet seen it perform properly. Magnolia ‘Black Swan’ Magnolia ‘Black Swan’ Magnolia ‘Anne Leitner’ (Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x Magnolia ‘JC Williams’) is a fantastic plant on Hovel Cart Road and…

25th April

…very dark red? Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ This is Rhododendron reticulatum which is nearly (but not quite) deciduous. It is in a very sheltered spot in the Rockery….

14th April

…hybrids providing you catch the flowers as they just emerge from the very black buds and ahead of the leaves. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’…

1st May

…Fagus sylvatica ‘Black Swan’ Fagus sylvatica ‘Black Swan’ Salix moupinense (from Tom Hudson / Vietnam) is very different from Salix fargesii despite what the reference books say. I had not…

9th April

…first flowers out above Crinodendron Hedge amid the Styrax species planting. Magnolia ‘Yuchelia’ Magnolia ‘Yuchelia’ Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ beside it. Magnolia x brooklynensis ‘Black Beauty’ Magnolia x brooklynensis…

5th July

…our mind. Blackcurrants, gooseberries and redcurrants Blackcurrants, gooseberries and redcurrants Blackcurrants, gooseberries and redcurrants Triteleia laxa is one of those bulbous plants whose leaves die just before they flower. Consequently…

30th April

…Rhododendron ‘Saffron Queen’ will not be on this year’s Chelsea stand! Rhododendron ‘Saffron Queen’ Neither will Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’. Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ The Caerhays bred Azalea ‘Black Hawk’. Azalea ‘Black

3rd March

…as Magnolia ‘Genie’ from a day ago. Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ is now full out too. What an impressive…

9th May

…The view from the entrance to the (Upper) Rockery The Caerhays bred Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ and Rhododendron reticulatum out together. Azalea ‘Black Hawk’ Menziesia ciliicalyx ‘Honshu Blue’ in flower in…

12th March

…‘Sir Harold Hillier’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. liliiflora ‘Holland Red’ with a single flower. Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. liliiflora ‘Holland Red’ Camellia ‘Fairy Blush’ and some of the…