17th September
…Chelsea next year? It is about 10ft tall and the leaves are 6-8ft across. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla The Schefflera myriocarpa flowers are still emerging. Schefflera taiwaniana has buds at…
…Chelsea next year? It is about 10ft tall and the leaves are 6-8ft across. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla The Schefflera myriocarpa flowers are still emerging. Schefflera taiwaniana has buds at…
…on a young Schefflera aff. enneaphylla (HWJ844). Schefflera aff. enneaphylla (HWJ844) Schefflera pauciflora (WWJ 1199) with flower and seeds. Schefflera pauciflora (WWJ 1199) A replacement Schefflera macrophylla getting going now….
…to collect next Tuesday. Schefflera pauciflora (WWJ 11999) with huge seed heads. Schefflera pauciflora (WWJ 11999) Schefflera aff. myriocarpa. Schefflera aff. myriocarpa Another Schefflera pauciflora (WWJ 11999) with a rather…
…a bit like Schefflera taiwaniana. This is the only main species of schefflera not yet or already out in the garden and growing on nicely. Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera…
…myriocarpa Schefflera aff. myriocarpa Alongside it Schefflera pauciflora with some (but by no means all) seeds juicy, ripe and black. Schefflera pauciflora Schefflera pauciflora Rosa roxburgii with its autumn show…
…Schefflera taiwaniana Schefflera taiwaniana In the Auklandii Garden a similar sized Schefflera alpina (from Crug) has similar racemes of black seeds although the leaves are very different and much larger….
…more tender than some species but this may well not turn out to be true. Schefflera gracilis Schefflera gracilis Schefflera gracilis Schefflera gracilis Schefflera taiwaniana we know to be perfectly…
…pruning to reshoot from the base. Gevuina avellana Schefflera pauciflora with seed heads forming. Schefflera pauciflora And another one with almost ripe seed heads which are now purplish-black.A replacement Schefflera…
…church. Not yet consecrated by the bishop who has been asked. granite gateposts Schefflera rhododendrifolia with its new growth three years on from planting. Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera rhododendrifolia Metapanax davidii…
…split leaves and a very dominant flower which is far from out yet. Odd how the flowering time in Schefflera species varies from summer to autumn. Schefflera delavayi Schefflera delavayi…