6th April

…Rhododendron williamsianum x martinianum A totally different and very elderly form of Rhododendron sinogrande on the drive with near white flowers. Rhododendron sinogrande 2022 – CHW White bluebells in a…

5th April

…with red centres. Catkins in profusion all over. Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula dahurica ‘Maurice Foster’…

27th March

…A bit late out for this but full shade here. Camellia tsai Camellia tsai Magnolia ‘Burncoose White’ (or ‘Tennis Court’) – the near white form of mollicomata is flowering profusely…

25th March

…dwarf growing Rhododendron canadense just coming out. Rhododendron canadense Magnolia ‘Elisa Odenwald’ has one white flower. This is a Todd Gresham hybrid between M. x soulangeana ‘Lennei Alba’ and M….

14th May

…stayed in the Rabbit Warren. John Whitehead John Whitehead John Whitehead A self-sown seedling of Aesculus wilsonii which had, unusually, escaped the mice. 2022 – CHW More new things leafing…

30th April

white Abutilon vitafolium but we could be wrong? white form of Abutilon x suntense white form of Abutilon x suntense The Olearia scillionensis is full out beside the car park…

28th February

…drive. Ribes ‘White Icicle’ Ribes ‘White Icicle’ The unnamed and unidentified cotoneaster at the Hovel turning has featured twice this year in the diary hoping that someone might help with…

28th April

…nursery today:Ribes speciosum Ribes speciosum Telopea ‘Shady Lady White’ Telopea ‘Shady Lady White’ Calothamnus quadrifidus – first flowers ever with us on the ‘one sided bottlebrush’. Calothamnus quadrifidus Our first…

17th June

…– Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea…

4th April

…blood red arboreum in the pheasant pen nearby but a tree has just hit it. white Rhododendron arboreum white Rhododendron arboreum white Rhododendron arboreum white Rhododendron arboreum Betula albosinensis ‘Bowling…