14th April
…to overwinter 100 of our own mature (beef) cattle next winter in sheds on another (formally) tenanted farm on the estate. This would mean that we could house all the…
…to overwinter 100 of our own mature (beef) cattle next winter in sheds on another (formally) tenanted farm on the estate. This would mean that we could house all the…
…Beauty’ Daphne bholua ‘Spring Beauty’ Daphne bholua ‘Spring Beauty’ Daphne bholua ‘Spring Beauty’ Daphne bholua ‘Garden House Sentinel’ Daphne bholua ‘Garden House Sentinel’ Daphne bholua ‘Garden House Sentinel’ Daphne bholua…
…plants for different locations for autumn planting.Fruit on Viburnum nudum ‘Pink Beauty’. Viburnum nudum ‘Pink Beauty’ I was impressed with the first flowers on Malus trilobata. Here are the first…
…pot but is usually a scruffy plant when mature. Short lived too. Azaleodendron ‘Hardijzer Beauty’ Azaleodendron ‘Hardijzer Beauty’ A young Osmanthus yunnanensis with its first flowers. Some leaves have spines…
…a superb show. Planted the two lots in about 1980 and 1991. The former now relieved of the laurel hedge is flourishing. Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’ Rhododendron ‘Beauty of Littleworth’…
…rather nicely together. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ and Camellia ‘Winton’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ and Camellia ‘Winton’ Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ now nearly full out in three separate clumps. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ Rhododendron…
…Close. Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ Mahonia japonica nearly over in full shade by the greenhouse frames. Mahonia japonica The snowdrops moved from The Vean…
…out and undamaged. How appropriate! Enca carnea ‘Winter Snow’ Enca carnea ‘Winter Snow’ Edgewrthia chrysantha just coming out and undamaged. Edgewrthia chrysantha The leaves on Pseudowintera colorata have enjoyed the…
…worse for that.Camellia reticulata ‘William Hertrich’ is excellent. Camellia reticulata ‘William Hertrich’ Camellia reticulata ‘William Hertrich’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ is just opening. Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca Beauty’ Camellia reticulata ‘Lasca…
…‘Winter Orange’. We must remember to pollard this tree in the autumn. Tilia cordata ‘Winter Orange’ Very good deep yellow flowers on Berberis wilsoniae. Berberis wilsoniae Berberis wilsoniae Then another…