3rd March

…Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ yellow form of Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ yellow form of Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ Fallen petals below the Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ (New Zealand form) below Donkey Shoe. Still plenty of…

2nd May

…Garden. Rhododendron decorum (white form) Rhododendron decorum (white form) Over the weekend I have finished the article for publication on ‘Michelia Puzzles’ about the naming and identification of our 90…

7th May

…exceptionally well. Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides Taiwanese form of Trochodendron aralioides My grandfather (A M Williams) bred this griersonianum cross called Rhododendron ‘May Day’….

5th April

…red centres. Catkins in profusion all over. Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula pendula ssp. szechuanica ‘Liuba White’ Betula dahurica ‘Maurice Foster’ (formerly…

19th April

…before. This plant by the Green Gate has single white flowers so it is P. serrula despite its incorrect label as Prunus serrula x serrulata which has double white flowers….

14th February

…‘Bo-Peep’ (pink form) is full out unlike the original up in the garden. Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ (pink form) Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ (pink form) Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ (pink form) A poor sister seedling to…

7th April

…below the main fernery. The darker pink form was well over before this light pink form came out. Staphylea holocarpa ‘Innocence’ Storm Kathleen is the 11th named storm since the…

14th May

…the Rabbit Warren. John Whitehead John Whitehead John Whitehead A self-sown seedling of Aesculus wilsonii which had, unusually, escaped the mice. 2022 – CHW More new things leafing up and…

27th March

…bit late out for this but full shade here. Camellia tsai Camellia tsai Magnolia ‘Burncoose White’ (or ‘Tennis Court’) – the near white form of mollicomata is flowering profusely in…

13th March

…a good white with just a hint of pink perhaps at the base but I wonder if this is what Burncoose is selling as Magnolia ‘Snow White’. Very similar certainly….