7th February

…unnamed seedling magnolia unnamed seedling magnolia unnamed seedling magnolia Magnolia ‘Pristine’ has three buds with colour beside it. Magnolia ‘Pristine’ Magnolia ‘Cecil Nice’ has the first few flowers out at…

4th April

…decades. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Splendour’ The Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling on the drive is also at its best today. Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling Below…

28th February

…the true species which still thrives in the Auklandii Garden. Narcissus cyclamineus seedlings and hybrids Narcissus cyclamineus seedlings and hybrids Narcissus cyclamineus seedlings and hybrids Narcissus cyclamineus seedlings and hybrids…

19th February

…open and very pale in colour with some browning. Magnolia mollicomata seedling Magnolia mollicomata seedling A young Camellia ‘Adolphe Audusson’ with first flowers above the cash point. Camellia ‘Adolphe Audusson’…

13th February

…February. The other sister seedling is not yet out in Bond Street but a similar size. sister seedling to Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ sister seedling to Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ sister seedling

5th February

…campbellii seedling which is always early but I do not remember it being the very first magnolia into flower; quite splendid today in the sunlight. Magnolia campbellii seedling Magnolia campbellii…

1st April

…and a very campbellii alba shape. Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling Magnolia ‘Kews Surprise’ with M campbellii alba seedlings behind it is similarly drab today but what…

10th March

…the first of last year’s rhododendron seedlings. Most of these are Rhododendron desquamatum and Rhododendron heliolepsis. last year’s rhododendron seedlings Nearby are well potted seedlings from last year’s sowing of…

23rd March

…has Magnolia campbellii (pink) x Magnolia campbellii Alba seedling as its parents. This may well be one to propagate. unknown/unnamed magnolia seedling unknown/unnamed magnolia seedling unknown/unnamed magnolia seedling The original…

9th February

…wind. Magnolia campbellii seedling Amid the gloom a ‘Caerhays Belle’ seedling shows up along the drive from the Isla Rose Plantation. ‘Caerhays Belle’ seedling What a ghastly day but no…