18th March

…large rhododendrons Placing out the large rhododendrons A Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ with a single flower. Nice enough but not as good or different as some argue. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood

19th February

…barbatum, lutescens, ririei, also Blood Reds and Sutchuenense hybrids out, Leucaspis and both Moupinense and its hybrids. I picked 12 different red cups and clear yellows in Tin Garden. No…

19th November

…it is very nice and white. 1906 – JCW C sasanqua good, lapagerias good, several daff with jonquil blood are up and a few others. Useful lot of roses now….

10th February

…Barbatum a few, some Lutescens, Flavidum none, Sutchuenensis a few, hybrids of Sut’ se several, a few blood red Arboreums, E darleyensis is the best thing. 1916 – JCW A…

5th January

…out and an odd Blood Red. Very mild and a lot of things swelling buds.1941 – CW Pond half frozen, ice in buckets over 3 inches and turned out shape…

12th February

…JCW No daffs except cyclamineus, some Arboreum x Sutchuenense open. Wilsons Prunus mume is the best thing in flower. Several good blood red arboreum about. 1911 – JCW Very few…

16th February

…gloves and was short because it is bloody cold) was to photograph the first few flowers on Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’. BBC Spotlight showed these as part of their weather forecast…

24th November

…good. Camellia sasanqua quite fine. Many daff seedlings of all ages show up in the pans etc, most of them have cyclamineus, maximus, polyanthus or clusii blood in the cross….

9th January

…Engine House Camellia 1 flower out. 1915 – JCW Coum is fair, some nice blood red Arboreums on the Beech Walk side, R mucronulatum is nice, snowdrops show, some Lapagerias…

26th February

Blood red good but few flowering. Hamamelis well over. Very many Reticulata species beyond their best. 1933 – JCW The clump of Narcissus cyclamineus by the side door makes nearly…