12th April

…cylindrica Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubishimodoki’ showing colour and early leaves. Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubishimodoki’ Enkianthus serrulatus out before the leaves appear. Yellowish-white. Enkianthus serrulatus An old Rhododendron arboreum ‘Blood Red’ which I…

31st December

…about 200 fine Chinamen in the Rookery. A Sechuen S divide Fortunei, Sinogrande, R rhaibocarpum, Fulvum, 3 Sutchuenense hybrids, big bloods of each, and a very cold start for them,…

18th April

…JCW I am only sure of one Calophytum bud. Daffs nearly over. The early Thomsonii x blood red remain good. Maddeni x. 1920 – JCW Much as in 1918. Maddeni…

9th January

…(BSWJ 12535) – another new and hopefully hardy species. Persea indica (BSWJ 12535) Quercus chapensis – seed from the 2015 oak conference in China and gifted (as a plant) to…

12th February

…longevity of rhododendron species from China to celebrate the centenary of the foundation of The Rhododendron Society in 1916 at Lanarth in Cornwall by J C Williams, P D Williams,…

23rd January

…one of which is aquatic in habit! The International Camellia Society has 1,800 worldwide members. The RHS Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia society about 900. China now dominates membership in the…

21st October

…in Hillier’s or New Trees. V. fordii is the Tung tree from S. China, Vietnam and Burma. A small deciduous tree growing to 20ft with inflorescences of male and female…

5th July

…cattle Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ properly out by the tower. Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’ Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ nearly over. Cornus kousa ‘China Doll’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks-Blue’ and Cornus kousa ‘Gold Star’. Hydrangea…

28th April

…a few mother plants at the back. We’ve seen different species, all from seeds collected in China, some from the Kunming Botanical Garden. And finally we’ve seen a true Magnolia…

3rd September

…Populus deltoides ‘Purple Tower’ Betula albosinensis ‘China Rose’ had some serious regrowth from below the graft which I also cut out today and you can see piled beside the young…