29th January

…flowers than the front but much darker overall than the other two. Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ Also out today was the new Hamamelis x intermedia…

5th July

…before they die. Agave americana Agave americana Agapanthus ‘Whitney’ was a standout white form which they had for sale in their tiny and not very exciting sales area. Agapanthus ‘Whitney’…

26th March

‘Rosea’ has a pink stripe but is not really pink. Impossible to photograph well as its now too tall and the flowers are too far away. Magnolia salicifolia ‘Rosea’ Magnolia…

8th January

…flower. A little later than usual I suspect. Helleborus ‘Anna’s Red’ 2023 – CHW A long suffering ‘Christmas Rose’ doing its stuff. long suffering ‘Christmas Rose’ More of the wonders…

30th April

…chinensis Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ is especially fine above the greenhouse. Strangely the pure S holocarpa (white) nearby is not showing colour yet. Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Rhododendron edgeworthii…

10th July

…the true black form). Alcea rosea ‘Nigra’ Outside the Yacht Club workshop and growing from the edge of the pavement is a large clump of yellow hollyhocks – Alcea rosea…

2nd July

…Mitraria fair. R moyesii goes back. 1901 – JCW Returned after a months absence much as on the other side, only later, a fair lot of roses open, Anna Alexis…

14th February

…Javado in Holland. Quite the best Lenten lily I have yet seen although who Anna is or was I have no idea. Helleborus orientalis ‘Annas Red’ Helleborus orientalis ‘Annas Red’…

4th April

…M. ‘Black Tulip’ below Donkey Shoe. No hybrid name as far as I can see. Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x M. ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x M. ‘Black Tulip’ Bluebottle…

11th April

…‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Rose Marie’ x Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ One plant of Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubushi-modoki’ now full out. Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubushi-modoki’ 2019 –…