10th September

Buddleja auriculata Buddleja auriculata Buddleja auriculata Wisteria seeds hang beside yew berries. This 100 year old white wisteria has colonised the yew tree above the front door. An inspired bit…

28th July

…‘Hupense’). Maackia hupehensis Maackia hupehensis Maackia hupehensis An attractive compilation of Hydrangea aspera ‘Villosa Group’ and Buddleja lindleyana. Hydrangea aspera ‘Villosa Group’ Buddleja lindleyana flowering exceptionally well this year after…

17th May

…needs to put this top of the list to propagate this summer. What tubular orange bells! Buddleja speciosissima Buddleja speciosissima Crataegus laevigata ‘Crimson Cloud’ perfect today in the Isla Rose….

7th May

…not looking so promising on the reshooting front. Buddleja colvilei Buddleja colvilei The view below the 4-in-Hand and the Trewarthenick rhododendron hybrids performing well as usual. The view below the…

23rd June

…one half dead due to water logging. Desfontainia spinosa Desfontainia spinosa Desfontainia spinosa The rather dull and unusual smelling Buddleja loricata. Buddleja loricata Buddleja loricata Beside the garden entrance the…

7th June

…in flower. A gift from Roy Lancaster. Deutzia pulchra (FIFL 26) Buddleja nivea yunnanensis with its enormous leaves below the Fernery. Buddleja nivea yunnanensis Buddleja nivea yunnanensis Deutzia ningpoensis also…

6th December

…the new growth on the Buddleja colvilei smashed by a fir tree. Buddleja colvilei Over in Old Park the Camellia japonica flowers are untouched by frost as these were higher…

8th May

…6336) New leaves on Carpinus polyneura. Carpinus polyneura Corokia buddleioides in flower and also in full exposure. 6-8 feet tall. Corokia buddleioides Buddleja salviifolia nicely out as ours is today…

8th October

…‘Alba Variegata’ Hoheria populnea ‘Alba Variegata’ 2022 – CHW Buddleja speciosissima was planted out last spring. Interesting new growth today. Buddleja speciosissima Buddleia heliophila with its first flowers which are…

30th May

…decent flowers on a Cornus kousa var. chinensis. Cornus kousa var. chinensis Another look at the spectacular Buddleja speciosissima. Buddleja speciosissima A young Styrax japonicus ‘Snowcone’. Styrax japonicus ‘Snowcone’ The…