25th April

…Heuchera ‘Fire Chief’ Heuchera ‘Fire Chief’ Heucherella ‘Kimono’ – a particularly fine new one with flower stalks forming already. Heucherella ‘Kimono’ Heucherella ‘Kimono’ Paeonia tenuifolia just starting to flower. Superb…

25th October

…heldreichii Magnolia ‘Silk Road’ with only a leaf left. Magnolia ‘Silk Road’ Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ with good reddish-purple colours. Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ Enkianthus campanulatus…

7th October

…good red tints. Acer pseudosieboldianum Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ turning nicely. Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ Acer takesimense with the seed heads turning as well. Acer takesimense Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’ with a…

27th October

…‘Cherokee Chief’ with similarly good red and purple colouring. Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ Rhododendron keysii with a decent flower. There is nearly always a flower on this rhododendron right through…

24th April

…decision to shut down the country which was driven by the mainstream media acting in support of dubious science. The chief government scientific advisor, Professor Ferguson, is also in the…

13th April

…was a vicious, worrying statement that hospitals were (all) running out of key drugs. Scaremonger in chief would be a good title for the BBC lefties. I suspect the government…

3rd May

…or six weeks ago. Herd immunity is happening (as the chief medical officer let slip at an early press briefing) and would have happened more quickly but for lockdown.If the…

25th May

…apiculata self-sown seedlings Louisa, the chief propagator, keeps stock plants for cuttings of Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ in the mist houses. The new growth is now clean and ready for propagation….

4th June

…Rhododendron ‘Noyo Chief’ or so I look up. Rhododendron ‘Rubicon’ A superb Cornus controversa ‘Variegata’. Plastered in flower and by far the best thing in the garden today. Cornus controversa…

31st March

…Magnolia ‘Phelan Bright’ full out above the greenhouse. Magnolia ‘Phelan Bright’ Magnolia ‘Phelan Bright’ 2020 – CHW If you have been pondering on the demands of our own chief medical…