17th April

…days. Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ now showing properly – we now have three plants of different ages all doing well in the garden. Michelia ‘Touch of…

14th April

…on Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’. The ‘touch’ soon fades! Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Nice new growth on Magnolia crassifolia (FMWJ 13163). Magnolia crassifolia Magnolia crassifolia Magnolia…

31st March

…Memory’ Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ below White Stiles. Narcissus ‘Astro Pink’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ above the kennels. Not very golden really as I have commented before. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold

13th March

…A 2010 planted Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ is in flower and excellent. It is a touch of purple at the tip of the flower in reality! 2010 planted Michelia ‘Touch

22nd April

…is Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ which will not be winning any prizes! Not one of the yellows that has made the grade. Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ Magnolia ‘Golden Goblet’ Still a few…

25th May

‘Gold Cup’ – not bad for late season. Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x M. ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Strawberry Shake’ (I think) although rather past its best….

10th April

‘touch’ here rather well. Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ down by the pond. Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ First flower…

6th May

…growth. Quercus chapensis Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ and Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’ together as I had hoped to see a fortnight or so ago. Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Michelia (Magnolia) laevifolia ‘Summer…

13th May

…‘Illini Gold’ Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’ Magnolia ‘Illini Gold’ First flowering of Crataegus jozana. Crataegus jozana Crataegus jozana And of Crataegus horridus. Crataegus horridus Salix magnifica looking very fine. Salix magnifica…

27th April

…x brooklynensis ‘Woodsman’ x M. ‘Gold Star’. Magnolia ‘Tranquility’ Magnolia ‘Tranquility’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Daybreak’ x Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Tilia…