5th June

‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Aesculus wilsonii seems to flower a fortnight later than all other species. Individual flowers are pink or yellow. Aesculus wilsonii Aesculus wilsonii Enkianthus hirtinervus…

31st July

…fed on oranges and grapes as well as the expected buddleia, hibiscus and lantana. The butterfly bit The butterfly bit The butterfly bit The butterfly bit Note the quails! Note…

22nd June

…were wilting.Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ at its best on Hovel Cart Road. Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Styrax wuyuanensis at its absolute best…

11th June

…Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ Cornus kousa ‘Madame Butterfly’ A pure white evergreen azalea flowering today by Georges Hut. The leaves do not look like it has Azalea indica parentage. evergreen…

12th April

…reticulata ‘Butterfly Wings’ Camellia reticulata ‘Butterfly Wings’ Camellia reticulata ‘Curtain Call’ – not a million miles away from ‘Captain Rawes’. Camellia reticulata ‘Curtain Call’ Camellia reticulata ‘Curtain Call’ Camellia reticulata…

5th December

…new flowers when the main crop of flowers are over and have turned greenish with red-purple tints? Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouilliere’ Visit…

15th November

…A valuable plant! Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Hydrangea ‘Madame Mouillere’ Larix kaempferi glowing yellowish with a hint of orange/red in the hazy sun. Larix kaempferi…

27th July

Madame E Mouillere Hydrangea Madame E Mouillere 1989 – FJW The garden is suffering from drought as badly as I have seen it. It is becoming very serious. Rhodo’s worst…

9th July

…really have bothered to visit the sauna that was Butterfly World with its associated garden centre. A quick glance at the size of the brambles in the hedges around the…

1st October

…elliptica ‘James Roof’ The last pictures of the only half intact crown of the Turkey oak taken from the front door. Turkey oak I do not recognise this tiny butterfly