27th April

…I have never seen it anything like as good as this. Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Another (just out)…

17th November

…Vanessa’ ‘Paradise Vanessa’ ‘Early Pearly’ ‘Early Pearly’ ‘Early Pearly’ ‘Early Pearly’ ‘Baronesa de Soujelinho’ ‘Baronesa de Soujelinho’ ‘Baronesa de Soujelinho’ ‘Snowflake‘Snowflake‘Snowflake’ ‘Plantation Pink’ – a variety Burncoose used…

18th July

…quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ with its double sets of flower bracts above Red Linney. A sole survivor from a clump of three planted in 2009. Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ Podocarpus…

23rd July

…the UK or listed by Hillier’s. Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snowflake’ above Red Linney has double florets and shows its autumn colour even in summer. A vigorous plant in…

31st July

…‘Sparkle White’ Gypsophila paniculata ‘Snowflake’ – may be better pictures than we have on the website? Gypsophila paniculata ‘Snowflake’ Gypsophila paniculata ‘Snowflake’ Then a few new roses to search for…

10th May

…and quite small opening with a tinge of pink. Update on 15th May, this one has been identified as Magnolia ‘Coral Pink’ MICHELIA yunnanense ‘Summer Snowflake’ Michelia yunnanense ‘Summer Snowflake’…

28th April

…palmatum ‘Skeeters Broom’ The Michelias looking superb in Tunnel 3. Michelias Michelia ‘Fairy Cream’ Michelia ‘Fairy Cream’ Michelia laevifolia Michelia laevifolia Michelia laevifolia Michelia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ Michelia laevifolia ‘Summer…

13th May

…suckler herd as replacements for the Charolais bull. The bulls were squaring up a bit! Aberdeen Angus bulls Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ contrasting gorgeously with Rhododendron niveum. Magnolia laevifolia ‘Summer…

20th April

…a couple of days ago Michelia ‘Allspice’ is now just out. Michelia ‘Allspice’ As is the impressive Michelia yunnanensis ‘Summer Snowflake’. Michelia yunnanensis ‘Summer Snowflake’ First leaves showing attractively on…

6th May

…of Pink’ Michelia (Magnolia) laevifolia ‘Summer Snowflake’ and Rhododendron niveum. What a colour contrast! My mother always said Rh. niveum was suitable only as lavatory wallpaper but I never agreed….