28th May
…taiwania Schefflera macrophylla has lovely brown ‘velvet’ on its new growth as it emerges above its gigantic leaves. A sure fire winner and seller. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera aff…
…taiwania Schefflera macrophylla has lovely brown ‘velvet’ on its new growth as it emerges above its gigantic leaves. A sure fire winner and seller. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera aff…
…aff. myriocarpa Schefflera aff. myriocarpa Schefflera macrophylla is starting to put out a huge new growth shoot coated in orange-brown indumentum. Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera alpina has seeds like…
…year as it did last year. Schefflera aff. mynocarpa Schefflera pauciflora next door already has well-formed seed heads. Schefflera pauciflora Schefflera pauciflora It is a tall plant with a straight…
…seeds on Schefflera rhododendrifolia with a distinct trunk up against the east facing side of the house. Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera rhododendrifolia Schefflera rhododendrifolia Seeds on Sarcococca wallichii. Seeds on Sarcococca…
…very popular garden plants. Schefflera for Chelsea Schefflera for Chelsea Schefflera for Chelsea Schefflera for Chelsea Schefflera for Chelsea Schefflera for Chelsea 2017 – CHW Vaccinum cylindraceum just about to…
…Schefflera delavayi Schefflera delavayi Schefflera taiwanensis – very similar in habit to ours. Multi-stemmed. Schefflera taiwanensis Schefflera taiwanensis Schefflera macrophylla – a mammoth! Schefflera macrophylla Schefflera macrophylla Rhodoleia aff henryi…
…leaves. Magnolia ‘Genie’ Magnolia ‘Genie’ Schefflera taiwaniana is already nearly 20ft tall. New growth clusters very fine. Schefflera taiwaniana Schefflera taiwaniana The Rhododendron ‘Veryan Bay’ clump is very aged and…
…the drive are nearly over. Camellia ‘Yuletide’ Loads of ripe seed on Vaccinium dunalianum var. megaphyllum. Vaccinium dunalianum var. megaphyllum Schefflera shweliensis (TH 3330) with good new growth. Schefflera shweliensis…
…maddenii. Rhododendron maddenii All seeds have dropped on Schefflera delavayi. Schefflera delavayi Acacia cultriformis nearly out. Acacia cultriformis Mahonia japonica nearly over. Mahonia japonica 2022 – CHW A new laurel…
…flower heads while others are still full out. A vigorous species I think! Schefflera enneaphylla Schefflera enneaphylla Schefflera enneaphylla 2019 – CHW A trip to Hook Norton to view the…