…‘Judy Zuk’ Magnolia ‘Judy Zuk’ First two flowers out on Rhododendron crassum. Again a month early. Rhododendron crassum Rhododendron chapmanii full out. Rhododendron chapmanii Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ Rhododendron augustinii…
…the one we looked at a couple of days ago on the drive. Rhododendron augustinii Rhododendron augustinii Hairy leaves just emerging on what I believe is the Chinese form of…
…Blue’. Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ Rhododendron zaleucum nearby is rather paler! Rhododendron zaleucum Rhododendron zaleucum Rhododendron ‘Saint Tudy’ to complement the colour range and satisfy the…
…‘touch’ here rather well. Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Michelia ‘Touch of Pink’ Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ down by the pond. Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ Rhododendron augustinii ‘Penheale Blue’ First flower…
…‘Superba’ Berberis x ottawensis ‘Superba’ Berberis x ottawensis ‘Superba’ A paleish but very striking form of Rhododendron augustinii. Rhododendron augustinii Rhododendron augustinii Jaimie has been doing a bit of rhododendron…
…the very last of the daffodil season. Pheasant Eye daffodils Rhododendron augustinii nearly over with the new growth coming. All too brief a flowering season. Rhododendron augustinii 2022 – CHW…
…Newly planted Rhodendron augustinii by George’s Hut. What a colour in the shade. Rhodendron augustinii Rhodendron augustinii Rhodendron ‘Moonstone’ will soon be back in the Burncoose catalogue. This clump the…
…Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ just coming out. Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron morii at its best. Rhododendron morii Rhododendron augustinii just coming out. Rhododendron augustinii Rain damage in Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’. Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’…
…show a little further on. Quite a show A good dark form of Rhododendron augustinii. Rhododendron augustinii First colour on the ancient Playhouse wisteria. Playhouse wisteria Flower buds just opening…
…Huge flowers. Hypericum augustinii Hypericum augustinii Hypericum augustinii Hypericum forrestii has a compact habit and the flowers are much smaller but none the worse for that. Hypericum forrestii Hypericum forrestii…