…and Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Cryptomeria japonica ‘Sekkansugi’ and Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ Picea pungens ‘Kloster’ and Sciadopitys verticillata Picea pungens ‘Kloster’ and Sciadopitys verticillata Wollemia nobilis and a very…
…the Chimonanthus praecox behind it which is still green. Cercis glabra Ilex verticillata berrying earlier than usual. Ilex verticillata Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ also living well up to its name….
…plant. Ilex verticillata Ilex verticillata This is the large stock plant of Ilex mutchagara at Burncoose with Rob Toy in front of it. No flowers or berries to be seen!…
…Sciadopitys verticillata is a gorgeous yellow. I have never picked up on this before. Sciadopitys verticillata Sciadopitys verticillata Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ is now full out. Is it any…
…the few hollies which is deciduous. Ilex verticillata Ilex verticillata Cotoneaster conspicuus looking good too. Cotoneaster conspicuus Elsholtzia stauntonii making a fine October show. One of the best things for…
…holocarpa var. rosea smashed up by the rain. Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea Another drought casualty now showing up. Another drought casualty Acacia verticillata looking very fine today. Acacia verticillata Acacia…
…verticillata Bowkeria verticillata No label so sadly no idea of the identity of this Agave in flower? Agave – unknown Agave – unknown Maackia amurensis has interesting bark. Maackia amurensis…
…years ago. Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron calophytum Acacia verticillata flowering here for the first time since planting. Acacia verticillata Camellia x williamsii ‘Les Jury’ is a very fine red variety with…
…conclusions and I will resist writing more now to avoid muddying the water further. We did identify a mystery plant near the Engine House as Ilex verticillata (near the Windsor…
…mesnyi. Jasminum mesnyi Jasminum mesnyi Viburnum cylindricum. Viburnum cylindricum Viburnum cylindricum The baboon statues. The baboon statues The baboon statues We were told this was Bowkeria verticillata but it does…