26th February

…now starting to perform. Both equally good value. ‘Miss Charleston‘Miss Charleston’ A superb Rhododendron ririei which is performing well for the first time. Rhododendron ririei Rhododendron ririei First flower…

27th March

…latter is more popular today with the public but undeservedly so. It flowers much later than the Dr too. Camellia ‘Miss Charleston’ Camellia ‘Miss Charleston’ Rhododendron arboreum ‘Sir Charles Lemon’…

27th January

Next Day > < Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW Warm and mild with a SE wind. Camellia japonica ‘Miss Charleston’ just…

20th April

…Tilia kuisiana Tilia kuisiana Tilia kuisiana Wonderful bark on Eucryphia cordifolia. Eucryphia cordifolia Magnolia acuminata ‘Golden Glow’ x Magnolia ‘Miss Honeybee’. Much the same as ‘Miss Honeybee’ as it seems…

23rd February

…Magnolia campbellii seedling Magnolia campbellii seedling Camellia ‘Dr Burnside’ full out. I do not see much difference between this and ‘Miss Charleston’ although the latter flowers later in the season….

22nd April

…the top of the tree but a great sight and smell today. Michelia ‘Mixed up Miss’ Michelia ‘Mixed up Miss’ Michelia ‘Mixed up Miss’ Michelia ‘Mixed up Miss’ A young…

19th March

…new variety. Magnolia ‘Miss Marble’ Magnolia ‘Miss Marble’ Magnolia ‘Miss Marble’ A young Magnolia ‘Avalon’ with just one small flower as yet. Not exactly like the other 2 we have…

28th March

…out on Rhododendron davidsonianum – early? Rhododendron davidsonianum Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ looking very fine. Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ Camellia japonica ‘Kerguelen’ with its variegated leaves….

30th March

…us) French import. Camellia ‘Dream Boat’ Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ likewise. Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ Camellia reticulata ‘Miss Tulare’ Hidden behind other things below Donkey Shoe I find a long…

1st July

…branches plastered in flower. Just a little pink starting to show but this one is growing in shade. Cornus kousa ‘Miss Petty’ Cornus kousa ‘Miss Petty’ Cornus kousa ‘Miss Petty’…