17th June

…– Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea…

24th February

…2016 with eight flowers. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Lindera tonkinensis (FMWJ 13123) has retained all its leaves over winter and is just starting to come into…

8th March

…‘Hawk’ Magnolia ‘Hawk’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sinostellata with first flower. The Chinese form of Magnolia stellata which seems to be…

5th March

Moon’ – the first flower on this young plant is not as dark (yet) as expected. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x ‘Pickards Ruby’…

27th February

…the other two which we saw a few days ago. Still nothing that outstanding or ‘bloody’. Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Blood Moon’ A near white Magnolia campbellii subsp….

20th February

…along the top path in Old Park. view along the top path in Old Park Less than a week on Michelia ‘Fairy White’ is half out. Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Magnolia…

12th April

…inspect Magnolia ‘Fairy White’. Magnolia ‘Fairy White’ Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Pink Champagne’ has shed its old bark and now has a pinkish trunk. Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Pink Champagne’ Impressive catkins…

23rd February

…‘Vairano’ Magnolia ‘Vairano’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ is also improving too with age. Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’ The clear up of the fallen Pinus insignis branches…

18th March

…good show as before. ‘Fairy Cream’, which is beside it, is only half the size and nowhere near out yet. Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Magnolia…

7th August

…masonorum Phlox ‘White Admiral’ and Astilbe ‘Federsee. Phlox ‘White Admiral’ and Astilbe ‘Federsee The scent of the sweet peas was overpowering. A wonderful crop of flowers despite the dry summer….