29th December

…very first flowers out in the sun today on Rhododendron mucronulatum below the big Fernery. Rhododendron mucronulatum Yellow berries in small numbers only this year on Ilex aquifolium ‘Bacciflava’. Odd…

15th May

…from a week ago and a big gap in the treeline along the Burncoose front drive now. turkey oak turkey oak Magnolia ‘Moonspire’ flowering properly (or properly noticed) for the…

19th March

…all very good. R sutchuenense ciliatum at their best. Camellia speciosa has been very good since Christmas, Ciliatum is very good. Barbatums are good. Magnolia denudata and a big Mag…

17th March

…in the garden beating ‘Atlas’ and ‘Big Dude’ by an inch or three. Magnolia campbellii alba seedling These were the plants shown tonight to Garden Society members at the Zoom…

15th March

…Perfume’ Magnolia ‘Big Dude’ now a single flower from above. Magnolia ‘Big Dude’ The best magnolia in the garden today is the Magnolia campbellii alba seedling in the Auklandii Garden….

12th March

…Perhaps our best weekend.1944 – CW There has been a little frost for some weeks which has left things back. Magnolia campbellii good and a big Salicifolia. Sargentiana and Mollicomata…

22nd April

…Hancock will be forced to fall on his sword and resign but how many NHS bigwigs will he take with him? None presumably!Larix kaempferi, Japanese larch, just coming into leaf….

19th April

…this year. Looks like becoming a big tree. I do not think I have seen this in flower before but it is one of Michael Gottschalk’s (Lunaplant) German hybrids –…

17th April

…was almost his last trip around). 1944 – CW Cherries past best. Auklandii coming out well. Pink and white never better, also Tom Tit, Pink Maddeni above big camellias very…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 5)

…by the lake Big leaf rhododendron seedlings everywhere in the shade – all self-sown. Big leaf rhododendron seedlings A superb rhododendron on the main drive. superb rhododendron on the main…