10th November

…Pieris Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ has not turned red in this very mild and warm November. Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’ 2021 – CHW A visit to…

24th September

‘Red Centurion’ covered in secondary flowers. Again not seen previously. Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Fruits on Vaccinum ovatum (?) – it may be another species? Vaccinum ovatum The…

3rd March

…determined that for registration the colour codes are as follows: In bud – Red Purple Group 70B – Strong Reddish Purple Full out – inside of tepals Red Purple Group…

10th August

…in our climate. This is the third variety to flower in the nursery this year. Lagerstroemia indica ‘Red Emperor’ Lagerstroemia indica ‘Red Emperor’ Passiflora edulis with a couple of fruits…

14th July

…‘Moonglow’ Lonicera periclymenum ‘Red Gables’ wasn’t bad although not that different. Lonicera periclymenum ‘Red Gables’ Trachelospermum ‘Star of Milano’ was another one with a pink flower and variegated leaves. Better…

10th July

…it tasted far nicer than I dared expect from this foul smelling fruit. They want to grow Ugni molinae for its red fruits which taste like strawberries. Perhaps a sale…

6th December

…‘Cornish Red’ in the same place as last year and more or less the same time. Slightly insipid and malformed flowers. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ 2017 – CHW…

26th October

‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ 2015 – CHW Few people ever venture along Sinogrande Walk to the largest (of the two) tree fern quarries…

25th April

…in full flower. Symplocos aff dumicola Eriobotrya deflexa in flower and with fallen red leaves on the ground as the red new growth emerges. Eriobotrya deflexa Eriobotrya deflexa First flowering…

20th April

…glabratum. Pittosporum glabratum The new growth on Quercus insignis really is fantastic. Red new growth is designed to deter grazing cattle, deer or goats it is assumed. Quercus insignis Quercus…