7th August

…but good as a clump. Pennistetum alop. ‘Red Head’ Pennistetum alop. ‘Red Head’ Pennistetum alop. ‘Red Head’ Pennistetum alop. ‘Red Head’ A new grass to me Elymus arenarius with canes…

27th July

…consider for 2017:Helenium ‘Red Army’ – a bit taller growing than our Helenium ‘Ruby Tuesday’ but one red helenium is probably enough. Helenium ‘Red Army’ Helenium ‘Red Army’ Red Admiral…

20th March

…it had suffered in dry summers. Fortunately new shoots are already evident from the base. Gevuina avellana Gevuina avellana Magnolia ‘Atlas’ more or less full out but already wind battered.

29th October

…colorata ‘Red Leopard’ – stunning form. Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Leopard’ Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Leopard’ Pseudowintera colorata – quite bland by comparison. Pseudowintera colorata Pseudowintera colorata Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Glow’ –…

27th June

…rose white climbing rose The Rhododendron weyrichii (in the shade) in the Rockery is a dark red rather than the orange-red flowered plant I photographed last week. Quite a sight…

26th May

Red’ Azalea ‘Hotspur Red’ Azalea ‘Hotspur Red’ This very late flowering evergreen azalea in full shade below the Hovel has never had a name in my time here. Its leaves…

25th July

…We have just layered this very late flowering rhododendron on Rookery Path which I remember being more orange-red than this when I have seen it before. No idea of a…

28th July

…flower than our Abutilon ‘Ashford Red’ and taller growing. About 10-12ft tall here and free standing in shelter. Abutilon ‘Red Bells’ Abutilon ‘Red Bells’ Abutilon ‘Red Bells’ 2015 – CHW…

25th March

…Frankie has cleared the fallen tree on Bond Street Frankie has cleared the fallen tree on Bond Street Frankie has cleared the fallen tree on Bond Street A tidy up…

29th March

…most resilient of rhododendrons; ‘Cornish Red’. Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ was spared as it wasn’t out. Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’ Magnolia ‘Diana’ looks a bit better today. Magnolia ‘Diana’ Acer negundo…