7th April

…the lawn. A tent on the lawn for the weekend wedding letting. Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ Illicium simonii planted out at Burncoose only two years ago is flowering…

5th April

…and I am hopeful they will improve with age. Just a hint of ‘tulip’. Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Spectrum’ rather faded and battered about (Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’…

17th April

…behind the Burncoose one. Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Honey Tulip’ I thought this was Sorbus megalocarpa on the plan, but I am very wrong. Attractive bronzy new growth and flower…

8th May

…12 years ago with one small flower. Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ Rhododendron vaseyi nicely out. This is a pinkish form but this species can also be white. Rhododendron…

17th May

…name. Enkianthus cernuus recurvus Enkianthus cernuus recurvus Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ with strange green markings on the outer tepals and quite a nice yellow thereafter. Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’ Magnolia ‘Honey Liz’…

28th June

…the Four in Hand. Huge flowers and lots of them but only planted in 2013! Styrax japonica Styrax japonica Honey fungus time of the year now and a recent casualty…

29th January

…Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ is on the way out from honey fungus by the cash point despite all the big buds. It will be dead by April and the leaves…

28th January

…with. The Rhododendron mucronulatums are nearly over but the new season’s growth is already evident. A very quick turnaround despite the recent cold. Rhododendron mucronulatums Rhododendron mucronulatums Another honey fungus…

7th July

…The milky bleeding from the cut stems has stopped. Euphorbia stygiana Euphorbia stygiana Another rhododendron honey fungus casualty – this is the time of the year when these horrors show…

3rd February

…Half dead. Rhododendron barbatum Polyspora axillaris aff. tonkinensis has suddenly died. Drought, cold (unlikely) or honey fungus? No sign of rotting from honey fungus at the base. Polyspora axillaris aff….