17th January

…picture. fernery Acer davidii ‘Karmen’ and Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ – an interesting contrast. Acer davidii ‘Karmen’ Plenty of buds showing on a Rhododendron ‘Michaels Pride’. Rhododendron ‘Michaels Pride’ The first…

10th May

Pride’ to cut successfully. Not full out with some buds like Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’. Full out flowers get bruised and damaged in transit. Rhododendron ‘Michaels Pride’ Rhododendron ‘Fragrantissimum’ Trochodendron araliodes nicely…

19th April

…‘Cornish Snow’ First flower (early) on the Caerhays bred Rhododendron ‘Michaels Pride’. A nice new clump coming on well now but it will probably be over by Chelsea. This is…

28th June

…bush. Deutzia scabra ‘Pride of Rochester’ Deutzia scabra ‘Pride of Rochester’ Deutzia scabra ‘Pride of Rochester’ Here is a hedgerow full of small growing Cornish elms with tiny leaves. Largely…

19th May

…flower. I confess to not looking in the reference books for the differences. Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Squirrel damage…

25th April

…Jaimie’s pictures of our entries. Rhododendron ‘May Day’, ‘Naomi’ Group, ‘Rescassa’ and ‘Michael’s Pride’ Rhododendron hanceanum Rhododendron decorum – FIRST – Winning The McLaren Challenge Cup Pam Hayward accepting the…

28th May

…The Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ opposite it is, however, looking healthy and well after its haircut. The Rhododendron ‘Michael’s Pride’ Michelia doltsopa was leafless after flowering but you would not know…

13th May

…out yet although other cultivars are as we have seen. Sieboldii ‘Colossus’ is not either. Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia ‘Summer Solstice’ is full…

21st May

…glaucescens Aesculus glaucescens Aesculus glaucescens Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ is later into flower than other named forms. Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia sieboldii ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia obovata…

6th June

…very healthy plant. Magnolia ‘Pride of Norway’ Magnolia ‘Pride of Norway’ Just above it are two Magnolia ‘Pride of Norway’ which look like an improved or selected form of Magnolia…