6th March

…flowering for the very first time here in Area 27. Magnolia ’April Melody’ Magnolia ‘Cassiopeia’ likewise. Magnolia ‘Cassiopeia’ Prunus x persica ‘Spring Glow’ just opening. Prunus x persica ‘Spring Glow’

30th March

Next Day > < Previous Day CONTRIBUTORS: FJW 1955-2007 CHW 2015- JCW 1897-1939 CW 1940-1955 2024 – CHW Magnolia ‘Yellow Lantern’ just opening and Acacia cultriformis just going over. Magnolia…

20th March

…to our Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’. Seed was collected from a lowish altitude (2,000ft) in a roadside gutter below a hillside which had been totally felled. A lone survivor of what…

18th May

…‘Yellow Petticoats’. Rhododendron ‘Yellow Petticoats’ Rhododendron ‘Yellow Petticoats’ Rhododendron ‘Lemon Meringue’. Rhododendron ‘Lemon Meringue’ Rhododendron ‘Lemon Meringue’ Rhododendron ‘Lemon Meringue’ Still plenty of decent scented flowers on Michelia ‘Mixed up…

23rd April

…end of Penvergate. yellow magnolias The record sized Magnolia ‘Yellow Fever’ just coming with the leaves. Magnolia ‘Yellow Fever’ Magnolia [?] Magnolia [?] Magnolia ‘Lemon Star’ Magnolia ‘Lemon Star’ Magnolia…

9th April

…out in flower. Symplocos aff. sumuntia Symplocos aff. sumuntia Symplocos aff. sumuntia Rhododendron ‘Loch Awe’ splendid today. Rhododendron ‘Loch Awe’ Rhododendron ‘Loch Awe’ Pittosporum eugenoides ‘Variegation’ – yellow flowers are…

10th February

…buds are yellow and the reverse of the tepals remains yellow for a while before fading to white. I need a nice day to photograph this properly. Magnolia campbellii Magnolia…

26th August

…prune the nearby laurel. Polyspora speciosa Polyspora speciosa Hoheria sextylosa just coming out on its lower branches but not at the top of this 20-25ft tree as yet. This one…

3rd January

…camellia Camellia x williamsii and Camellia saluenensis seedlings make a good windbreak for the new plantings below the Main Ride. Camellia saluenensis seedlings Camellia saluenensis seedlings What can beat this…

25th August

…trees. This keys out to Zelkova carpinifolia which has grown in obscurity for c.35 years below the Main Ride. Interesting bark. Zelkova carpinifolia Zelkova carpinifolia Zelkova carpinifolia Planted only in…